I'm sure the reason scotus passed this is because they know the dems wont take advantage of it, If they thought the dems would make use of the powers they would have used another delay tactic
"Real men wear diapers" - seen at tRump rallies
but but, where is the chocolate starfish?
Who remembers Cedega. Had a lot of fun on that, both playing and configuring to play. Think I was running Fedora, or was it Mandrake/Mandriva. Man I remember having the drive to distro hop weekly at one point
As someone with no kids, never wanted the crotch goblins, I have no issues with parents getting a break on taxes raising their kids (where I am there is no tax on kids clothes and I am 100% behind this) and my subsidising their education. Besides I, OP, and basically everyone else will need these new adults in the making to take care of us when we are once again, and I am sure will shock OP, will be in the position to need to be looked after again (unless OP came to the world a fully formed adult, I know I wasn't). Who do they think is going to look after all of us?
I don't need to be the fastest on 2 feet, I just need to be faster than you trips other person
I am in the process of changing before W11 is the only W choice. Many of my steam games work on nix, using the latest Ubuntu now but may need to shop around for another distro, including VR. Except my OGVive won't display, the steam client loads and the mirror comes up and if you move the headset you can even see it move in the environment but... no video on the screens. No VR is a hard deal breaker and I do not have $1000 for a newer headset. Once I get over this hurdle on my laptop I can begin to migrate my desktop.
There is lots of oil under the US