
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Not per month, it was a one time fee to lay FTTB (optical fiber to the building) which would have allowed individual apartment owners to choose higher internet speeds if they need.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Living in a house with 40 parties, city is subsidizing optical fiber, only 5000€ for the whole building to be connected. Majority said no. So 50MBit/s is here to stay.

[–] 7 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

It is quite a bit out of date luckily. Signal-Desktop already stores data encrypted for quite a while. However it used to store the decryption key right alongside it. Recently (a few month ago) Signal switched to storing the key within the systems keystore, greatly improving security. Also causing a flood of users complaining that the can't just copy their .config to a new desktop and retain their chat history. This may have prompted the release of this new feature :)

[–] 9 points 3 months ago

It does include it. The article list it in detail: 36.79% of the Linux users use the steam deck. And the number is falling, which means there are more users also using Linux on desktop PC (or other gaming handhelds)

But that may also just be statistical noise.

[–] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Thanks so much for the deep dive. I love learning from such concise facts.

To add, also : There is only one known species of vertebrates without hemoglobin. The Crocodile Icefish, it once had it in its blood and lost some genes to synthesize it. The debate about why is still ongoing, with the currently favored theory that they adapted to a high oxygen and low iron environment.

[–] 29 points 4 months ago (5 children)

I don't know why such answers get so many upvotes.

The real answer is: Right-click -> Pin to Taskbar. (In sane desktop environments like KDE. If you choose to install Fancy DE Alpha 0.0.2, you know what you got into!)

Yeah we are in a meme community, still I like my memes based on reality, makes them way funnier.

(Also having a standard place for documentation for everything is a blessing!)

[–] 2 points 6 months ago

Mind, that this is just the company which published the initial reports that the defects in desktop CPUs are systematic, so I can see why Toms Hardware deems their Post a reliable source.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (3 children)

I wouldn't conclude that from an Intel Employee even if they did claim it because they(Intel) already lied multiple times in this afair.

But they didn't even do that, they just said desktop processors are affected, this doesn't say mobile ones are not.

Many companies have already reported that their telemetry records many crashes with the exact same symptoms and software on their laptops while AMD still isn't affected.

[–] 12 points 7 months ago

Sure, but please after a general solution. I don't want to be forced to use Steam to mod my games. Many of my games aren't even on Steam!

Also I want it optional, so can control if Steam gets to see my Playtime.

I very much welcome the Nexusmods solution in comparision

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

With very little initial work, physical media is also very convenient.

I buy a disk, put it into a specific drive, get a instant message when its ripped, check its name and put it into a folder. From there my mediabox converts it to a managable size and adds it to the collection.

Whin I turn on my TV I see all these Movies and shows neatly presented by Kodi. I have a tiny Wireless keyboard and can start any in under a second. No buffering, no adds, no matter if the router is connected, and no fear of ever loosing access.

Its great.

Exeptions are there of couse, I would love to buy The Orville, but they just don't want my money!

[–] 6 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Because somebody has to create that media. And that person they have to live. (Or better that huge team when it comes to movies) So they have to earn money, so somebody has to pay them.

I also enjoy that today I can test if something fits me If I am skeptical. But I also always make sure to pay back creators for things I enjoy so that in the future there will be more things I enjoy.

Of course I understand anybody who can not afford media and am happy to subsidize them with the part I am paying for good shows. But if you have a Plex server, you can afford it. And If you say its close just start with things you like most and at least say "thank you" to them.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

Für eine Hürde gibt es wenig Argumente. Im Bundestag und Geschichtsuntericht argumentiert man meisten mit der Weimarer Republik: Zu viele kleine Parteien hätten das Parlament unfähig gemacht und der NSDAP den Aufstiegt erleichtert. Schaut man sich die Geschichte an, waren es gerade die großen Parteien die sich nicht einigen konnten und die NSDAP wäre wie die AfD heutzutage bequem über die Hürde gesprungen.

Im Europaparlament... das weiß ich wirklich nicht mehr, wie man eine Hürde begründen will. Es gibt keine Koalitionen, es gibt Fraktionen und in den Fraktionen entscheiden die Abgeordneten tatsächlich noch nach Gewissen. Somit sind auch die Guten dann stark, wenn sie über viele Parteien verteilt sind.

Sicher wären nicht alle Kleinparteienwähler zu den Grünen gegangen, wenn es eine Hürde gäbe. Also Pirat hätte ich dann die Wahl zwischen den Grünen und der Linken, beide mit kleinen bis gewaltigen Abstrichen. Die FDP nicht, sie war mal nah aber ist nun ganz fern von Piratenthemen. Ohne Hürde gab es in der letzten Legislaturperiode mit Patrick Breyer einen Abgeordneten der ganz genau die Werte vertreten hat, die mir wichtig sind.


Ich sehe froh, dass hier viele sich schon so entschieden haben. Den anderen möchte ich noch ein paar Argumente liefern:

Ergänzungen natürlich willkommen :)


Ihr habt die sich formierende Bewegung sicher mitbekommen. Wenn sie es schafft genug Druck aufzubauen, dann könnte sich einiges in der Softwarewelt ändern.

z.B. alte MMORPGs die man weiterspielen kann weil die Community die Server übernimmt, oder es könnte gar kommerzielle Produktivsoftware, deren Hersteller die Pforten geschlossen hat, weiterentwickelt werden.

Ich hoffe sehr, dass es zumindest ein paar kleine Erfolge geben wird. In der Runde stellt sich die Initative vor und die rechtliche Lage und der Stand im EU Parlament werden diskutiert.

Zuhören geht auch via Peertube.

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