Im so sorry. I tried not to, but the pull was to strong. Ignore me please...
The saying is "back pedal", not "back petal". "Back pedal" as in trying to pedal backwards on a bike. Not "back petal" as in trying to pick flowers at the back of a bush, maybe? Trying to not lie down on a bed of roses? Unsure.
101% this. Driving my mates and I yesterday on a completely packed 4 lane highway. 90% of cars were a single driver, no pasangers.
Even if we exclude tradie vans and utes who ill assume are at least transporting tools and gear, if every one of those vehicles carried 1 other person or chose to bike instead ( Christchurch, New Zealeand, we have good biking infrastructure also a bike path that follows the length of the highway) or even take the bus (public transport is pretty good) we would see an instant 50% reduction in traffic over night.