Not so sure about that, are SearXNG immeadiately identifiable as such, if not it just looks like any other search. Also does the evil eye actuaully care about edge cases like self hosted SearXNG? Still, might be nice to rotate the exit node...
ETA I also keep google off for default searches, and use it by bang only when other things fail, a rare occurrence.
I pipe mine through a vpn, should look like anyone elses searches...
Anti revenue stream.
I likey
Thankyou for applying soilid thought. What there would you consider actionable ? As in could likely be coded (for free)
Perhaps not, google will likely grab it all anyway, perhaps we can be forward facing. Actually while they're privacy invading, the benefit of keeping feely given info still stands, and may, in the long term, prevail. One may hope...
Not sure how to deal with this, but I believe I am a competent coder with ideas, perhaps this is an inappropriate community for this, happy to move the question.
Discord, for example, means all useful information is captured by discord, never to be searched by plebs. IRC is usually ephemeral. Most web search has been diluted by SEO and content farms to the point of uselessness. Perhaps we can think about next gen search right now. A point of hope is things like gigabrain which, it would seem, use LLMs to 'cut through the noise', but also summarize and collate, seems like a useful way forward if distributed. Happy to look into it myself, but would like to hear others input. (pleasently ppl were commenting before I finished)
Thanks for that.
You're quite right about the Pi 5 power efficiency, an Alder Lake N100 / i3 will smoke it in ops / watt given the right board, but the context was 'a several year old used desktop' which the Pi will handily beat.