Debian, fedora ,artix, arco, Linux mint, Linux lite, bazzite, ubuntu, postmarket os, armbian.
Using G10 can recommend if you scratch it up you can just use the other side and if you have a metal probe you can add aluminium tape to the side you aren't using and get full functionality.
Sorry I don't know what I read it as ,but still if the guy thinks that this is normal this isn't okay.
I dunno feels a lot like a facebook mom from a cult or strict curch.
Of course a christian user said this there is no other way someone would post this.
Pink one definetely, the green, yellow and especially blue are useless.
The guy just wanted to get an end to a cliffhanger.
Kinda, the lens can burn out and the bearings can wear out, but I wouldn't be concerned that's just regular maintenance.
Rgbs most of the time are spread apart and you can see the individual diodes, but the designs probably because the fans but you can still make cool designs with them like usb fans they draw a simple image using blades you do realize how cool that would be!!!
One you can't even see most of the time?
I know ,but still a waste and what repair technician would do this if someone left a review with this attached no one except evangelion fans would understand the reference others would think the guy was into objectophilia.
Idk the Lithuanian one translates to about the same in English and service is mandatory in Lithuania.