This year I tilled up some of my lawn and planted a wildflower mix. So far it's a complete looks like a pile of weeds with random grasses and clover all over. I have some small flowers starting now so things might turn around but I'm a little disappointed with it. The random parts of my yard that I neglect to mow tend to have more flowers and look nicer.
I mostly stick to vegetables and fruit, gardening is my hobby but it's great to get better tasting produce than I can buy and I can plant unique varieties to experiment with. Home grown garlic and tomatoes are in another dimension compared to grocery store vegetables.
I used this mix from a local seed company here in Nova Scotia. I'm in zone 6 and the space I chose for the wild flowers has direct sun for most of the day. It's been a very dry spring but I've been watering it because I really want it to succeed. I know people say that wildflower meadows are a "mow once a year and leave it alone" kind of thing, but it really seems to take a bit of care and management to get good results.