Nice site, I'm a big fan of Bagel Radio and was happy to see it as one of the stream options. Good variety of alt rock as far back as the 60s and as recent as today. There's a live hosted show every Friday (9-5 EST) and the DJ is always ranting about the far right ghouls rampant in US media and government. Good times.
This is silly
That takes me back. I'm stoned watching Bly Manor with my housemates. Creepy dolls are creepy
Slaps roof of character this bad girl can fit a whole town inside her
Brianne is a literal angel
Rock Flag and Eagle
Slut face
Bottom text
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, which is a nice 3D remake of one of the better classic vanias, Rondo of Blood. An updated version of Symphony of the Night is an unlockable in the game (as well as the original Rondo) so this is a great way to experience both games if you haven't already.
Oddworld-ass helmet
ah, blackrom~