Every accusation an admission. Been more or less an accurate way to view the "right".
Idk about EA, but I'm running mint and steam works great with proton. Super duper user friendly.
Lol. Marijuana and choices were made.
I always wonder, if I lead a good and virtuous life, if I could get reincarnated as a resort dog. Just a chill lab that wanders from cabin to cabin, receiving love and snacks, all before taking a nice nap. Then maybe a nice swim.
As a tall freak of nature, I'm just thrilled when I find a shirt that reaches that low. You shorts don't know how good you have it.
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I use Linux mint. Steam works great. The desktop works great. Like 5 min a month checking on updates and backups.
It will live on in our imaginations. Like a shittier, meth-addled Atlantis.
You ever try that primal one?
With steely determination