
joined 2 days ago
[–] 6 points 21 hours ago

Easier to conquer a disconnected, uncoordinated, and gagged enemy unable to rally a force united by common messaging and calls to action.

[–] 7 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

The multitude of passionately, and casually, expressed desires and fantasies unleashed by the event that transpired at 1335 6th Ave on Dec 4, 2024 are symptoms of a socioeconomic illness in sore need of meaningful treatment toward a cure.

No one living a healthy life in a supportive society actually wants violence to occur.

A neat short video of Daniel Kish talking about and demonstrating his echolocation technique.

Also, maybe there's a way to see through taste.

Ah, gotcha. I picked up a reddit permaban for mentioning in a comment that someone else in another sub had found the initial 4 DOGE kiddos' phone numbers and parents' addresses by viewing their public social media profiles and GitHubs. Played with the idea of sending each of them No Thank You cards in the mail, but the permaban made me hesitant to dish out more mischief.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Genuinely curious how knowing personal emails would be useful as opposed to the work emails. I'm not even sure how knowing the work emails is useful, but I'm always eager to be educated.

He meant a concept of a plan.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

Tim Urban put his established "accessible intellectual blogger" credibility behind some truly convincing pro-Musk propaganda pieces on Wait But Why back in ~2015 or so, which at the time were inspiring and felt very believable for people searching for signs of an improving future. For me, Musk fell hard from that grace during the Thailand cave rescue when he attacked that British caver in the most absolutely childish way. I really resent that Urban hasn't gone back to readdress those old blog posts, but maybe he's just another paid shill.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Consolidation of power to a tiny coalition of privileged cronies with conditional impunity as long as they backed the leader. That's not "conservative" or "liberal" or "right" or "left." It's just...autocratic. Have you read The Dictator's Handbook by Bueno de Mesquita and Smith? It's a very illuminating reference and eschews the entire argument of "left vs right" in favor of a ruling-coalition size relative to the ruled population model and it appears to be quite accurate in predicting and explaining the behavior of politicians and rulers, Hitler included.