Yeah, that checks out, but remember youre not a fundamentally bad person. You can possibly even salvage the friendship with apologies and doing some work on yourself. Either way, working on yourself is a good idea, it's worth it just in general also.
Yikes, are you ok? Being asocial is generally not regarded as being healthy. Also fyi, you're at an age where you have to engage with friends to keep them, they will drift away otherwise. Loneliness is a massive bitch and I'd really difficult to get out of. Friendships like any relationship require maintenance. You're neglecting your relationship maintenance at the moment if you continue, you will loose your friends.
Been using thunder for a while, it's good. I just miss notifications sometimes
Omg she's a cap cat!
Jinx is adorable!
Im using thunder which seems a bit nitche but honestly its really nice and mostly bug free.
I don't care I look better with it
Agree with the mansplaining angle. Passionate people like to explain, combine this with not being the most socially adept and voila you have mansplaining.
Presuming you were trying to illustrate a point, well done. Otherwise yes we do disagree.
Flashback har framför allt bra gammal info som fortfarande hänger kvar och är relevant
Looks yummy!
That's a ridiculously cute cat!!! Also ate your glasses ok?