@Celestus @TORFdot0 @apple_enthusiast this is where the rubber meets the pavement so-to-speak. The insane, corrupt, bigoted, unconstitutional, fascism of the Trump regime is in the news but doesn’t confront most people directly just yet. Most haven’t really seen the effects of the CDC, NIH, or even gestapo tactics of ICE personally. But Apple Maps, from a company that, until the last decade or so, has epitomized anti-establishment, now kowtowing to the epitome of American fascism brings it home.
@ClassifiedPancake @Sunshine @apple_enthusiast they really, really need to ditch Cook and get back to their roots.
@ClassifiedPancake @Sunshine @apple_enthusiast I’ve tried to report it and haven’t found a way through their category questions to say something, particularly a natural geographical feature, is mislabeled, only that some location is missing from the maps.
@remotelove @cantankerous_cashew @apple_enthusiast they need to correct the Apple Maps problem though. Some idiot troll hacked it and renamed the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America.
@magnus919 @sundrei @apple_enthusiast to be fair, almost no major US company/CEO/CFO/President hasn’t kissed the ring to one degree or another. It’s the cost of doing business under American capitalism with someone as corrupt and manipulatable as Trump. In fact it’s likely a matter of survival, not just profitability with a someone as vindictive as Trump is with almost no government checks on his power.
@chgowiz I suppose the interesting aspect of these PDAs by corporatists is the blatant fealty and corruption put on public display. At least with the establishment Democrats, it was kept behind closed doors but now it’s like they are truly afraid Trump and Elon will literally go after them using law enforcement and the courts, the military, and Congress like mob enforcers if they don’t very publicly kneel before him.
@paraphrand @clf @apple_enthusiast my only real problem with iOS/macOS is that iWork isn’t ODF compatible which makes it useless for me as I collaborate.
@timewarp it’s probably because it’s so well integrated with their hardware, which is superior, that it works so well. My problem is the walled garden aspect their apps. If you don’t use standardized formats e.g. odf, it’s really useless for widespread adoption.