First world graffiti-mask-profile-picture cringe.
If one's made one's software well, the easiest UI to make is one that's easy to use
If I'm buying a bus ticket, i shouldn't have to troubleshoot imo
Lot's of software is just shit/hard to use
Don't use plungers, just use a heap of oxygen bleach and possibly also soap (and time)
Sending positive energies
15 years ago was 2009. Minecraft has been out for 15 years and a month. It's a long, long, long time for someone who didn't actually intend to become a killer that day. It's also not going to serve as a deterrent for anyone.
This is actually helpful
Russia is already fighting all of NATO in some areas, Ukraine already uses NATO training and aerial reconnaissance/space reconnaissance resources, British troops on the ground perform some of the steps (Ukrainians performing the others) to fire missiles
Yeah lemmy is really important enough for nation states to brigade 😂