Time to fuckin do something
If it's a factory part it should be an easy warranty replace. They'll still charge labor probably but the part should be free.
I did in fact get it:
Having a "maximum bank balance" is so needlessly cruel. Like "you're disabled. You must remain poor because you don't deserve to have expendable income". Fuck that. Fuck this country. It is a pile of fucking shit
Not just a basic dickhead. An actual Nazi
Threaten legal action. One of their bots picks that up and it will go away
Also American. Got my license not that much longer after you (not being specific cause I don't like that) but, we had an ex cop as our driver's Ed instructor. He put up slideshows of uncensored accident photos he had personally taken. It was gruesome, and effective in encouraging safe driving imo. It's probably not the best way, but it seemed to work.
Hey good movie choice. That'd be mine too for sure. Has to have been the extended edition.
Tarps off boys. Swap. Let's goo
Fight back.
It's time to start fighting for real. Fuck this diplomacy bullshit