That name.... Why?
Why tf do they make all these amazing costumes for Zhongli but insist on making skins for Ganyu and other non archons?!
I'm going to finally waste gems on the weapon banner. Gotta get my c2 Raiden the weapon she deserves
Agreed, this is some bullshit
Instant equip. Lol I use it all the time but no one else does 😭
Unfortunately I too consume more magic content than I get to play. 😓
Haha I like how they're very LGS themed. Might not be really "Magic" but the flavor text is fun!
It's a lot of fun, and easy to play even without spending money! I only use the free coins and am able to get into the events pretty easily. I don't love the draft because it lacks the give and take of real life, and I usually avoid it since it costs too many coins. The jump in is a lot of fun when it comes with new sets, highly recommend!
That was amazing, equal to the Jackson trilogy in all respects
Lol this looks more like a weird version of a meat pie than American food
What the actual fuck. She's got what looks like right facial hemiparesis. I wonder if there's a medical history of brain damage?
The pupae phase is the worst