Horizon Zero Dawn
I meant in vanilla Minecraft.
Detroit Become Human. I like it so far.
Can you please elaborate? Why does this game appeal to you?
From a publisher standpoint, he states they don’t change the way they think of making or selling games. Which does make sense for someone in his position to say and lead his company in doing.
While a mid-gen upgrade for consoles may be nice for consumers. As they can pick up a console that’s capable of handling better graphics or higher resolutions. Publishers still need to support the 10s of millions of launch consoles that have been sold over the past few years.
So these upgrades might be good for consumers, but he says they're not meaningful for publishers/developers.
I wonder if the frame rate would be locked to 30 FPS, it'd be so fucking stupid if it did.
Arthur Morgan: Space cowboy.
So I think that this is a bad decision by Mozilla. Who's idea was it to make a trackerless fork crash?
I can't think of any good reason for them to make it impossible for a forked browser to function properly, if they try to remove all trackers.
Even if you can be sure that the code is junk and harmless, that's unfortunate and just doesn't look good IMO.
A long memorable passphrase is pretty good as a master password for a password manager.
I've tried it. Their KYC is so intrusive.
They asked me to scan my face through a third-party identity verification provider called Sumsub. Which seems like maybe the exclusive third party ID checker that CEXs use, because it came up with 2 other exchanges, including Binance.
I'd say stay way from it like fire. Maybe look for your local crypto ATM/Exchange or LocalMonero, as you've mentioned. So you could at least use cash and some pseudonymous information.
The DLC for GoW Ragnarok was a fun surprise.