Use their good will until then and there won't be an easy way to implement gun control against the left. Fucking red flag laws might be weaponized, but nobody pays attention until fucky laws are pointed at them.
This is such a "rights for me but not for thee" take. Dismiss anyone you disagree with while only valuing your own feelings.
Everyone has a right to defend themselves, their family and their community.
I haven't met many pro-2A peeps that are against the left or minorities owning firearms. Most seem to loudly support it, actually. Taking responsibility for your own safety is generally a good idea.
Seriously. People need to understand they can shop around for an instance that fits them better.
Fucking nobody.
She isn't lockstep with Pelosi and company. They see her as still on the outside of the...deeply Washington peeps.
They are a real department. The USDS.
They'd be using laws requiring equal treatment of protected classes most likely.
If you hate the PATRIOT act...etc. Look, titles of things have no bearings on what they actually are. This post is just group masturbation.
You're the only person that both cares and can actually take responsibility for your own safety.
Kill some people if you are actually in danger. -Americans
Processes. Vodka is just neutral spirits. Think of what makes whisky whisky.
From what? Most of the attacks against him come from behind him.