I expect governments to set up own time servers and reset it to 1970 before upgrading their old Win XP machines.
Go back to the fifties and stop the systematic dismantling of the education system.
Hey, it just takes one unhinged rich dude to not think for a second, and I can count many years of combined thoughtlessness from just one idiot alone.
Kurz und besser: Yarp
There's never actually been large scale communism. The step where the autocratic takeover ends just doesn't happen. So yeah, practiced communism is not just coming around to and touching fascism, they're almost congruent.
Large traders have different rules and prices than us plebs. Our trades don't even reach the market places, they're being internalized by brokers, who were the ones not actually selling you an actual share to begin with. They'll be happy to take your loss without affecting market prices in the first place.
An unfair market place is what the whole diamond hands thing is about. So no, I don't think board members care what us small investors do.
Absolutely. We're far from relevant so the bot / bad actor influx is probably negligible. Defederation won't protect anyone, they'll just use the major few instances and get access to 90% of feeds. Afaik points and account age don't matter, so bans don't matter. At this point, Lemmy has no defenses.
After the stock is sold by the company it's completely disconnected. No money to or from the company, no message sent. The only way it'll hurt them is if they try another offering where they sell new shares and the stock price is low, which will be announced beforehand. Or if they want to buy them back, which probably won't happen.
Keep the shares or sell them. GS won't care.
Unfettered platforms will be overrun in no time. Hate and bigotry are incredibly easy to create and sell.
I like where this is going.
Stützt euch aber nicht zu sehr auf ein Tool. Macht voteswiper und andere auch noch, da wird schnell klar, dass die Tools Fragen nach eigener Agenda formulieren - ein Nein in einem Tool ist nicht deckungsgleich mit einem Ja in einem anderen Tool.
Z. B. soll die Schuldenbremse gelockert werden? vs. Soll die Schuldenbremse beibehalten werden?
War der Atomaussieg ein Fehler? vs. Sollen Atomreaktoren gebaut werden?
Es ist naiv zu glauben, dass ein 5-Minuten-Quiz den ganzen Politdiskurs runterbrechen kann. Es gibt einem maximal eine Richtung. Bitte weiterinformieren!