The problem is - no one can beat them since they monopolized the market and make it almost impossible for any competition to survive.
Question is: is it punishable?
TLDR; those donations go straight to the same corporations' pockets and "help" them :D
Great explanation! I always knew this but never had the chance to mold the thoughts into one clear explanation which you just did.
I prefer gravity straws. You just put the cup above your head and tilt the cup for the drink to pour in a straight line to your mouth.
Furnibots roll out!
Wait, is this real? No way.... I make better sandwiches in the 2 minutes time that I'm late for work.
Exactly why I don't even bother with mobile games. That market feels so oversaturated with paywalls, scams, microtransactions and ads.
I'm so glad that when I applied for my first job 10 years ago, having no experience in any field, applications through websites and apps wasn't really a big thing and it was mostly done by sending e-mails. Gathered a list of 200 emails and sent those emails one by one, got a call two days later and then kept getting more calls with offers for the next half a year. I do remember registering to a couple big company websites to apply there - and just like the OP mentions, those instantly became ghost accounts :)
We're living in a dystopian future...