And you can never find a toothpick for an eternity of searching
Standard fare in the uk already, here we'd be going round and round the roundabout, never able to exit.
I haven't used them in a while but Fitness blender has a good selection. You can pick options on their website - cardio/hiit/low impact etc. to find what you need. No over excitable workout leaders, nice and clear, straight forward vids to watch.
They used to be free, but looks like they have a large pay section now, with some free vids still there. They were all previously on YT too so look there as well if you like the style.
A new black hole forms. Eventually all existence will be consumed.
I'm glad someone enjoyed it though I never thought it'd be compared to poetry haha! I did think it was a bit too flouncy and coherant for trump but it was fun to write!
But unfortunately abuse creates deep insecurity, which creates a drive for power (control), so I think the OP isn't far off the mark. Benevolent ruling is largely history washing imo, even if some good acts were carried out. The winner writes the history after all.
But your point is broadly fair - in most cases there is great variety in life. The ruling class, however, consists of less than 0.0001% of the global population so lies outside or the majority (figure made up for illustrstive purposes!).
They're no worse than (possibly better than) people who voted for whichever party because their parents/newspaper taught/told them to, or because that's who they always vote for and are too lazy, stubborn, peer pressured or insecure to change - i.e. people who claim to be politically literate but don't actually have a clue what they're really voting for.
"Answer me robot, why's it not answering?! Someone? ...Silicone doesn't exist you know, it's fake news people, the internot's a lie. Write me a letter...don't you know about the paper factories, full of cat eating people, don't write, don't write, come up here and tell me, the sky doesn't exist, it's a woke agenda to stop you working, go to sleep at night, when it turns black, stars are a lie, buy a cyber truck, take them off the flag, it's in the constitution, I'll make america a crêpe again, pancakes and maple syrup, love it in the morning, on toast, Canada belongs to us, they're our trees, give them back, give them back, give them back, give me back, give me, give me"
Yup, same, I didn't even look for hints, just tried those lyrics...and groaned! Just like loosing the game, once you've been sucked into the vortex you'll never get out!
And yes, I just lost the game.
I cannot understate how insulted he'd be to hear that! Not least because he's infinitely more intelligent than 2000 of those two!
Only after watching Fear and Loathing...
Two forks perpetually stuck together and you have an uncontrollable desire to separate them, but can't bring yourself to do it...
I'm curious who'll get why!