When you use the word 'Woke', It makes it sound like you're trying to insult something but don't actually have something to critique. Which then implies your whole statement is based on nothing.
I didn't know what this was, so after clicking the link:
Summer Games Done Quick
"Games Done Quick is a series of charity video game marathons. These events feature high-level gameplay by speedrunners raising money for charity. Games Done Quick has teamed up with several charities in its nine-year history, including Doctors Without Borders and the Prevent Cancer Foundation. We are currently the largest fundraising event globally for both charities!"
This is single player right? I'd be surprised if they made it live service. It is Ubisoft though so I wouldn't be surprised if it was grindy with time savers you can buy, or in general a cosmetics shop for real money. Which is dumb.
This is cool, I'm excited to dig into it more.
And that's the problem. It's not enough to be profitable, you have to be more profitable year over year, forever.
I read the article to confirm my initial reaction of BS, and it is confirmed. No mention of Institutional Investors, no mention of rentals or VRBOs, and no mention of market factors that suppressed new home construction.
But, I think their point ultimately was to talk about a generational housing bubble in the next 10 years, and that was interesting.
That's my point, they can make some money pleasing fans and stewarding their worlds, or they can make the most money creating diamond skinned submarines that run on burritos.
I don't understand why they didn't sell a $40 DLC for RDR2 to play the two games on one platform with the terrain mostly done. They have the Audio files. A company where a lot of money isn't enough, it has to always be the most money (shark cards).
Which story was that?
There needs to be a new federal law against things that "Negativity Impact the American People" with very strict penalties. So just like someone can break a state or local law and then federal prosecutors can also come in and charge them for a federal crime.
Would cover this, the banks and wall Street for 2009, J&J asbestos in talc powder, opioid epidemic, etc.
Sure those laws end in fines or class action lawsuits less then the profit made. But now the people in charge that knew what they were doing get a federal prison sentence. Golden parachute right into 10 years behind bars.
I liked the second game but can totally understand why some wouldn't. I'd say the first game is a western action game, while the second game is more like a cowboy sim. I find it much more immersive, but much slower paced.
Why? Why do you think that?