Yeah. There's been something of a drought recently though. Most of the headlines I read these days make me cringe like a salted slug.
Also I don't know how old Chelsea is now but she looks great in that photo
Yeah. There's been something of a drought recently though. Most of the headlines I read these days make me cringe like a salted slug.
Also I don't know how old Chelsea is now but she looks great in that photo
Yeah, good call. It'll probably also have some basic insulation behind the walls too. Ex ambulances have often been ragged hard - but they've also been regularly serviced and looked after.
Really? Damn, I'd hoped I'd left that shit behind on reddit. Shame, I'd have been interested to see your comment even if it was you telling me I'm a fuckin idiot and totally wrong! Echo chambers aren't healthy.
They do say that folks who don't learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. Which means scary times ahead.
Yeah I've heard of people dying that way. I believe you can actually get something like drunkenness from water - although you'd have to drink a lot, and you'd probably die not long after experiencing the sensation.
Too much of anything is going to fuck someone up proper.
I've injected a fair bit (accidentally) on one occasion. Took me a while to work out who I was and what had happened, but I was fine after a bit. But TBF you can overdose on pretty much anything if you take enough.
Maybe the daughter knew the parents were already anxious about the growing bigotry surrounding them. The school had already shown her it wasn't going to help so she may have felt she'd be adding to a burden that her parents couldn't do anything about. If you want to blame someone, the bullies and the school seem like the appropriate targets.
And yeah, lots of people think their kids tell them everything until they find out their kids are keeping secrets.
I feel the same way. But TBF I live in a country that voted for brexit. Essentially voted for sanctions against ourselves FFS, even though it should clearly have seemed like a horrible idea to everyone at the time. It's not the same as electing an actual fascist but I'm just saying that Americans aren't the only electorate that makes terrible decisions based on ignorance, xenophobia and misinformation.
Hmm - here in England the colour of an egg doesn't make any difference to its price, or to its taste. But yeah, organic and free range usually cost more. Larger eggs cost more too. I've not checked the exchange rate but I'd say it costs about $6 for a dozen free range eggs.
I'd love to keep hens myself but it's not feasible. I have friends who live on a farm where the chickens just kind of wander about and I swear their eggs taste better than shop bought.
Different coloured eggs are different prices in the US?
You're entitled to your opinion, just like I'm entitled to think it's bollocks.