Good point, I do forget about the bots. Sometimes I hope it's mostly all bots, but not so sure.
Honestly open source has the unique power of removing the inequalities like how some military use ai to chose targets to bomb (cough cough israel, america, Russia) so opensourcing weakens your enemies advantage and gives anyone with some knowhow a potential leg up in asymmetric issues. Plus it does wonders for chinas reputation, when all you have to compare against is trumps America and Putin's Russia.
Yup, lost my decade + old account, but it is what it is, another app to get off of
And anything relating to gaza the comments are truly disgusting and disconnected from reality. Honestly all Reddit has become a battle ground of 80% hate and 10% people trying their best to fight back with another 10 not caring (in terms of commenters)
It's a really beautiful park with an incredible background of old town royal mile and it isn't even crack top 3 best parks in Edinburgh
America really sucks. Go look at my home city of Edinburgh on a map, that's how you do a city
No, but this isn't the 1930s anymore, sadly even if Gaza is lost and destroyed by the Zionists and their allies, the slow destruction of Israel and even America are being enacted. Israel and America are becoming pariah states. And even nations like France or Britain and Germany will soon could shift towards a more honest approach to Israeli hostilities.
A new world war scenario I'm seeing is one where it's America and a handful of desperate allies against the rest of the world (not everyone is involved equally ofc) while also kicking off major regional wars like India - pak. Iran Vs the Arab nations. Russia is watching Americans invade Europe from the west and waiting like hawks to create an eastern front. China absorbs Taiwan and rushes Indian mountain territory. (Just my opinion)
I see the Netherlands has more of a backbone then most if the west right now
That is true, even I believed it. I truly believed the western world figured it out and it was my homeland that were backwards, until I went there and really explored the reality. But that wasn't what fully shattered it for me, it was what they did in Iraq, afan and gaza. How they demonized brown people and more recently im more aware how little a life matters even to the media if it's brown or black.
You must be pretty dense my friend. Nazi eugenics and inspiration came directly from American racism and racial ideas, and many many Americans supported the Nazis and they would have stayed out/joined if pear harbour wasn't bombed. Soviets allied with Germany but Hitler was a crackhead and made an eastern front. Tf china gonna do in ww2, they were spiraling after the century of humiliation