And yet American imperialism is to blame for all the world's problems, is it not?
long jagged grooved blade that serves no apparent purpose ~~but gleeful, sadistic murder~~ sitting on a shelf and looking cool
Mall ninja shit, my friend.
The hours old accounts are always hilarious. Sometimes they put effort in and have something like an 8 month old account but it only posts every other month and only to whine about nato imperialism.
Every prime gaming offer I took was for games on steam. I really thought they were just promoting twitch with drops and stuff, not actually trying to compete. Haha, the balls.
The infamous hacker? You'll never find him.
Don't really give a shit about pineapple. Not the worst thing on pizza but I'll give it a miss if I have the option. "Hawaiian" pizza is offensive because of the fucking ham they put on it and call it bacon. No. It's ham. Stop lying. Go to hell. Ham sucks.
Binkies, not bikinis. Also called a pacifier.
Speedruning is always witchcraft but ACE is on such a different level it's insane.
Isn't that tankies' whole deal? Blame America every time something bad happens in any other country? Yet you can't comprehend how certain government officials who talk to putin regularly orchestrating exposing sensitive infrastructure to the net and our cyber adversaries (like Russia) might maybe be seen as having some kind of involvement with Russia?