Still your corrupt politicians are rather taking people's homes in a town i forgot the name of (with police going there daily so people sell their homes) and clearing forests to mine coal... fucking stupid corrupt politicians.
I think The Internet Archive needs it more.
Sweden has a homicide rate of 1.2 per 100,000 in vs 1.1 for Finland.
Sweden has 1.1 and Finland 1.2
Now, attackers breach a user's mobile account with stolen, brute-forced, or leaked credentials and initiate porting the victim's number to another device on their own.
They can do this by generating a QR code through the hijacked mobile account that can be used to activate a new eSIM. They then scan it with their device, essentially hijacking the number.
Simultaneously, the legitimate owner has their eSIM/SIM deactivated.
I think most people didn't even watch the video, I shouldn't have used the video title.
Probably interaction with the post.
It's an interesting video and there is some truth to it about the deep state, but not what Trump, etc. says.