Now I'm picturing Captain Planet stepping around a corner and having his flesh melt off and his bones dissolve.
Agreed! Ukraine should keep all that Russian land they conquered.
Straight from High School senior to Senior advisor in the State Department.
I dunno, he seems to know how to do drugs fairly well.
He's like the worlds weakest bully. "How dare you say that to me!? Somebody punch this guy for me."
I always find the conservative "How dare you tell people what I said" outrage amusing.
Is that $2.89 gas?
Well, for starters the billboard is only about 15' tall and goes over the road. That's not normal. Everything has a odd inconsistent blurry look to it and all of the smaller text is distorted and illegible.
Finally, the details on... well everything are wrong. Why does the white truck in the foreground have one giant door with a handle in the middle and a second handle on the truckbed? What is the traffic flow in this image? How many lanes does the road have? Why are all the lamps on the top of the billboard pointed so weirdly? What sort of neighborhood is this in?
What a shock... the social media site who's admin's supported the Jailbait subReddit (until they were publicly shamed for it) are actually a bunch of assholes. How surprising.
It’s like they only know one word.
I've noticed that too.
It's like they've got only one go-to insult and then it just vanishes and there's a new one. Like it was cuck just a few years back, soyboy before that... and probably way more that I'm forgetting. But it seems like they go from "I must use in every post!" to it being almost forgotten and instead they must use a new putdown is in every post. And it happens in the space of... like two or three months. It's eerie.
I'm sure "woke" will go the way of the dodo in a few years and conservatives will be calling everyone "compassi-traitors" or something.
Heh. Well as a 3+ generation citizen I'm sure glad that will never be pointed at me!
And because it's necessary in this day and age, /s
"President of the United States acknowledges reality!" I hate that this is headline news in 2025.