Reddit is too popular now. They're going to have an IPO eventually and then it will really go down hill.
Might as well get on the ground floor of something new.
Reddit is too popular now. They're going to have an IPO eventually and then it will really go down hill.
Might as well get on the ground floor of something new.
Even when he's silent we are hearing about him.
This July I will have owned a Tesla Model Y for 3 years. Charging has never, ever, been an issue.
Plug it in when you get home. Use the navigation when you go on a long trip and it routes you through super chargers. When you are at a supercharger, go get a snack and use the restroom. Come back and you are usually ready to go.
If you live in an apartment or condo with no access to home charging and you don't have a charger near where you work, and there are no superchargers near you, then an electric car isn't for you, yet.
Because they are hoping to weaken the citizen's will to resist. If enough of the population wants to give in to Russia, then the government will sue for peace.
It was an Aunt? Of one of the teenagers. Poor choices all around.
"Until now, this treatment has been available only in China and the US for nearly $400,000 per patient treatment, and it is very limited in its availability."
Executives jumping on the AI bandwagon way too soon. Add in some union busting too.
I also highly doubt they've broken the law. My point was, unless they misrepresented their intended use of the funds, I don't see how a crime was committed.
RIF on Android only. Once that stops working on July 1, I'm done with reddit.
Have they misrepresented what the donations they are soliciting were going to be used for?
Once they solve the density problem with sodium batteries, they will be so much better than lithium alloy.
Lock. Him. Up.