
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I've tried the remastered version on PS5, and it's rough. The atmosphere is great, the combat not so much. Personally, I've just watched a plot summary on YouTube, there are many, but I prefer Lady of Lore's.

Also, the game itself features a semi-conprehensive summary of the first game as well.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

It's not a normal epic exclusive, like Hades, for example. Epic didn't just paid them to keep the game out of Steam (for a time), they financed the while game. Developers of "normal" exclusives get money to release their game, already under development, on EGS first. Alan Wake 2 is different, it wouldn't exists without Epic games.

Look, I like my steam library as the next guy, and would be happy to have all my games there, but in this case there is literally nothing wrong with the game being only available on EGS. Would I prefer to have it on Steam? Yeah, of course. But I also very much happy to just be able to play it, and if I have to do it on Epic, well, that's really not a big deal.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I think the last time realm first achievements were a thing (for anything other than raids) was in Lich king, but I might be mistaken.

Since I wrote my previous comment, I thought about it, and there are advantages for starting earlier. Reaching max level gives you access to world quests, which can be a source of gear and reputation. It also leaves you more time to complete the weekly objectives before the next reset. If I recall correctly, last time (the launch of Dragonflight) you got an item you can use to increase the power of a piece of crafted gear.

For the average player it doesn't really matter, but for the world first racers, it might.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

If they do things like they have for the last few expansions, neither raids, neither ranked pvp, neither mythic+ will be available in the first 2 weeks or more.

Realistically you will have more than enough time to level a character to max, maybe even two.

It still doesn't make it right, or acceptable, but it's more than enough to bash Blizzard for being greedy.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago

I mean, yeah...?

If wow is the only game you play, and you have spent decades on it, it really is no money at all.

It still doesn't make it right to lock the release behind a 90€ purchase.

[–] 8 points 2 years ago

I actually have no problem with this, I even almost like this.

If you want, you can spend extra cash to play it a few days earlier, otherwise you can wait and get it for "free". This drives sales, "forces" the most hardcore players to purchase the title, and ensures that gamepass players can enjoy first party titles on day one even in the future.