The TongFang GMxXGxx needs IRQ overriding for the keyboard to work, is also sold as the Eluktronics RP-15 (TongFang GMxXGxx DMI board_name).
commit df0cced74159c79e36ce7971f0bf250673296d93 upstream
I am not using any distro right now because of the keyboard issue, and I do not feel comfortable patching it by myself.
I am actually trying to figure out which distro to try out now that the patch has been incorporated.
Thanks, I appreciate the comment. It is logical that there is not one-size-fits-all approach. I will dig into the specifics of distros of interest for more information.
I do not think that you can shoehorn existing copyright laws to AI-generated art. It's not an apples to apples issue.
While there might be certain creativity and effort that is worth protecting in some gen-AI art cases, it does not require the same kind of skill, materials, time, effort, cost, and dedication that copyrights were envisioned to protect with more traditional works.
For what it's worth, no Google Topics in Vivaldi.
Knees are also too sharp.
Tempest Rising is looking very reminiscent of Command & Conquer games. Worth a look of you like the genre.
I have a hard time imagining that a letter individually considered, with only minimal stylization, will not have lots of issues for being protected and defended as a trademark.
The image output themselves might not be protected by copyrights. However, that does not mean that there are no rights over the code (or prompts) used to generate those images or over the database compilations themselves (https://www.copyright.gov/reports/appendix.pdf).