He works for the Russians, always has, these jackoff tarriffs which only seem to be against allies is meant to disrupt the focus on Ukraine's backers and force an immediate settlement where Ukraine only makes any concessions. It's clear as goddamned mid-day sun that everything he's doing is to unsettle NATO and get a win for Russia.
That proves several things, including his overall allegiances. It also suggests that Russia is truly desperate, doesn't think they will get more Ukrainian land than they currently have, and want to freeze the conflict to call it a victory. The current strategy of thrusting small infantry squads anywhere you can fit them isn't exactly a solid occupation strategy. Ukraine can kill many more of them, eventually, with drones, snipers, artillery, and counter-assaults. There isn't a baked in guarantee that they're allowed to keep all the stolen land they're sitting on right now. Ukraine will kill most of them - eventually - and he'll be left with nothing but a bleeding wound as his army tries to do the harder piece of warfare - pacification.
It's in Ukraine's long term interests to keep killing the Russian army as long as it can sustain it's own losses.
Why would anyone agree to a complete capitulation, and paying reparations, and giving up land and people under the current conditions? Oh, and the US removes it's forces from the Baltics at the same time, Ukraine gets absolutely nothing except for a temporary ceasefire with no security guarantees.
I mean - it's just so completely obvious that Trump fully and completely works for the Russians. Full stop. They are coming with the exact same absurd Russian maximalist goals, zero concessions. But - what leverage do they have to tell Ukraine to accept it and that's that? Fine - pull your support, America. Ukraine still has cards to play. Agreeing to your terms is literally signing your own death warrant, now or later.