Eating healthy sucks if you don't know how to cook.
I'm so sorry OP.
Exactly. When I talked to my conservative Indian grandpa about gay people, he was like "how would you feel if two bearded dudes just started fucking in the street?". It's really crazy how people can be so... dumb...
Thank you, bisexuals
Honestly it's kinda wholesome.
Agreed haha. So cute
Yeah.... Yeah we do :(
Please fuck off. I really want to believe that you are just ignorant and mean well, but still. It's hard being polite.
I am gay, and I have known it even before I knew what the word "gay" meant. Being gay doesn't just mean "ooo I wanna fuck that manly ass so much, ooo I wanna suck dick". Does being straight mean "pussy pussy I want pussy"? No. It can mean having romantic feelings for your male best friend, really liking to look at a male celeb for a very long time cuz they just "look pretty" and so on.
I was surrounded by homophobes who constantly denounced being homosexuality. I had to spend my entire childhood feeling that there was something terribly wrong with me. This was until I actually discovered the LGBTQ community. I understood that I was not the only "freak" like this in the world. I understood that I could live a nice and beautiful life as a gay dude.
If I was exposed to the concept of homosexuality in childhood (the fact that something like this even exists, and that you're not a freak for being gay in case you think you are), then my childhood would've been a lot better.
The same goes with gender identity. I'm cis, so I won't be able to give a very good description of what it's like being trans, but from what I've understood from my trans friends, it's pretty similar.
Why should kids have to suffer for not being cis n straight? Conservatives make it seem as if kids are being taught how to fellatio Jeffery Epstein or something. Kids do need to know about concepts like these (them being sexuality, gender identity, etc.) so that they can protect themselves from going down the spiral of self hatred.
Makes sense
Don't listen to him!!! We'll pay you more 😉
Wow... Um tell your son to post this. I'm sure he won't have any problems finding any mates.
Please tell me you don't have neuralink installed.
This really sounds like one of the pornos I've read. Except there's mpreg n shit like that in there too