Thanks for explaining the Mastodon-Lemmy compatibility thing. I've been confused about it for quite awhile. My alt's instance blocks a bunch of Mastodon servers, and I've always wondered why, since I almost never see any content from Mastodon users on here anyway. I always assumed it was simply a gesture for the admins show that they disapprove of that server's policies or something.
I looked through several of these 'title' posts, and that does seem to be the most common use for that now that I look at it. Though I do occassionally come across stuff that you could probably come up with a decent title for, but might take longer than is worthwhile. Thank you!
I see now, thank you. I was just wondering. Now that I look a little more at the 'Title' posts as examples for others to look at, the more I see that it's usually for stuff that's hard to title without spoiling the content of the post (e.g. typing out the entire text of a meme would be really annoying)
Is Holly Horny meant to refer to a Sonic character or some other character famous for being flanderized?
Just got two specific ones in my reply to You can probably find a few more by going into search, filtering it to post only, and typing in 'title' as the search text. Usually I don't click into them, so I can't recall any specific ones that stuck out at me from my history, but I remember seeing some in my feed time to time, enough to make me wonder why it's relatively common.
That sounds like it could be a plausible answer, so I looked for some posts called "Title" (or some variation), but both the users I happened to find who did this have a Lemmy site as their home instance.
So there must be another reason. I also wasn't aware that your posts from Mastodon could federate to Lemmy. I thought the two platforms were incompatible, since here all content has to fit into a specific community, but there you have to use hashtags, which don't seem to correlate to any specific Lemmy communites (though I've only lurked on a few Mastodon instances; I don't have an account)
U ar to old for chesborgar? 🥺
do u stil like anyfimg from macdonald
I wouldn't be surprised if we see another boom in active users and new accounts due to that. Just depends on how much this pushes users who were already annoyed over api changes over the edge.
What are some you'd like to see?
My little sister loves this book.
Hear hear. I'm often disturbed by how many upvotes these comments that show hate towards religious people in general get, and as much as I hate blocking people, I often block the posters on sight. I guarantee that if I still followed that religion, and heard someone say my beliefs were a mental disorder, it would do nothing to change my mind. In fact, depending on what phase I stayed in, I might decide to retaliate by spamming more threads with proselytizing in hopes of getting an even worse reaction to confirm that all nonreligious people are like that, that they were the ones who needed to change or be eliminated.