I thought it was supposed to have the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor and I am excited for that to return. Wonder woman takes down Cheetah only for her to return later with a new scar and upgrade based on how you beat her last
Wow you really project a lot onto one short sentence. Ignoring any reference to historical resistance in order to feel superior about your views.
Gotta resist fascism somehow
Belief in American Exceptionalism runs deep
Thank you for running these games. It's a spark of joy in a terrifying reality.
Homer bowls a perfect game and goes to the school wherein he calls on the kids by insulting them?
My only thought is when Maggie gives Homer chickenpox but I don't think Wendell is even in that episode
Tom Hill has a normal butt and urethra. So I got my money on him
Yes. Since he wasn't elected and the actions he is taking require actual laws to pass to occur legally
I think you might want to title these what they are actually doing instead of what he calls them. Otherwise you'll get automatic down votes from people who just read the title and disagree.
They should probably drive through a cactus field to really celebrate their joy.
She has a battle ground state so she has to pretend to care while voting Republican everytime her vote counts.