For easy drinks (beer, wine, or simple liquor/ soda mixes), $1 is fine. If they have to bust out a tool like a muddler or peeler, you should probably give more than $1.
I don't think it's as likely that the Feds break this strike like they did with the railroads. Their argument against the rails was that almost every other industry relies on them to move product, while having fewer new cars will only effect the new and used car markets. With however hundreds of millions of usable vehicles that are already out there, this strike doesn't really have the same opportunity to spill over to the larger economy.
Id be very interested to see what demands they got and what had to be negotiated. Had that been released yet?
If the broncos continue their current trend, they'll give up about 140 points next week.
I was very confused when I came up on the trader in Mt. Gelmir. That didn't seem like a spot with a lot of foot traffic...
If the UAW can get a 32-hour week, that would be a MASSIVE step in getting it done for the rest of the work force. It would be a perfect example of how unions benefit all workers, not just the ones actually in the union.
He also co-hosts a podcast called "The Climate Deniers Playbook" that you might might like as well. There are only a few episodes out, but they're all great.
What a busted pick Lance turned out to be. I hope he can find a second life on another team, but I also don't find it very likely...
So it sounds like your dad is right?
Here's the most recent one in my gallery.
Has the same energy as this.