We still have too much to lose in a revolt. Most people are still materially comfortable (or at least that hasn't changed because of Trump).
I dunno, they seem to be mad. It's just most of them are wrong about who they should be mad at and why
It's not his money, so I don't see why he'd care either way. Seems easier to pay.
How generous to invite Ukraine! /s
I have a friend who's taking it but only because he was going to leave anyway.
A bunch of them think the crisis is we haven't done enough fascism yet.
Probably about 14. My parents had a well stocked liquor cabinet. Enough stuff to where I could try small amounts of various things and not be noticed.
It's one of our most harmless holidays.
You think they're scared of the CFP? I thought college football was worse than ever this year.
It's because they are trying to worship the merciful God of Jesus and the wrathful, nationalistic god Yahweh at the same time.
It'd genuinely surprise me if there were many American soldiers on here.
Yep. So give it time, we won't do shit until AFTER he burns it all down.