I've considered that before. I'm just not sure I'm proficient enough to be able to do that on my own. I can apparently buy laptops with Linux as the OS from a tech store where I live, so I may eventually go that route.
I wish I had this kind of talent. I just found it and thought it was cool.
It's really annoying to me that Firefox doesn't seem to work well on my chromebook, so I'm stuck with Chrome until I need a new computer...
I want to believe...
Next thing you know Lady Gaga is going to rename her song to Canadiano
Corporate Dems always be searching for a new group to throw under the bus in the ever-slimmer hopes of maintaining the status quo.
Welcome to Nightvale is a lot of fun. But that's not like a bunch of dudes chatting podcast, it's more a radio show.
Jupiter excitedly pointing out this news to Juno
It doesn't matter what experts say. The US administration wants any excuse it can find to build their new anti-Ukrainian narrative.
Come on, listing terrible aliens and the Ligonians aren't at the top of the list?
If you have a better geometrical shape for memorializing a good boys' two favorite sticks, I'd like to hear it.