This feels like Romania, due to the general architecture and the fact that Uruses are goto cars for the "nouveau riche" over here.
Anyway, tell her to take great care OP. A 20yo in an Urus on romanian roads feels like a recipe for disaster.
This feels like Romania, due to the general architecture and the fact that Uruses are goto cars for the "nouveau riche" over here.
Anyway, tell her to take great care OP. A 20yo in an Urus on romanian roads feels like a recipe for disaster.
I know there's some use cases, but it feels like they're pandering to smaller and smaller niches. But I suppose tablets are more and more niche these days.
And yeah, I know about the y700, it's a good device, but I've been looking for a nexus7-like device on and off for the past couple of years and find it fascinating that if you were to release it today if would blow most other tablets out of the water. A ten year old device ffs. Anyway, I mostly read stuff, so a 7-8 inch high-res budget tablet is the dream. I've done the compromises: a large tcl nxtpaper phone, an e-ink reader, a budget lenovo tab. They're just not the same tbh.
Why the fuck would you spend 800 euro on a 13", non-upgradeable tablet instead of, say, a laptop?
Apologies, I'm just bitter no one makes 8 inchers anymore.
Exploit it you say? Please get in line behind the russians, the chinese snd pretty much all arab countries
Jesus Christ. Aaand of course it's worse than I imagined
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. But I wouldn't be surprised if it were actually the case. Nobody can quite match the russian state in their disdain for the russian people or their lives.
Definitely. He's really vibing with "boomers" that are nostalgic for our flavour of communism, even matching the speech cues. He's whacked in the head something special and, while we always had a percentage of voters ready to go for this type of character, now there's a lot more and they all behave like they're in a cult. Dark times ahead.
It's only ok when we do it, cause we're the good guys!
Sounds like the start of a beautiful democracy
Wow, leave it to redditors to make change without actually making change. A few of those subs had open discussions on instituting a ban and they discovered x links were in the dozens per year. Musk is definitely gonna feel that. What they should have done is ban all twitter images as well, those fuckers make up 3/4 of posts on /r/popular. Or ban/restrict musk news, because it feels like the remainng 1/4 posts are "news" that cover musk, including dozens of discussions on whether the nazi cheated in fucking videogames or not ( same as here come to think of it ). But no, they're addicted to those and unable to make meaningful changes, so they're left with these halfcocked "bans".
That moment when you're too far right for the far-right.