Wanted to say this, up the Balkan gang
Or at least a method of suspension until they start behaving themeselves again
Also thought this when reading the article, multiple times I've had entire journies turn into a nightmare because of train not coming, 2/3/more hour late trains, and yeah local transport is a joke sometimes. The worst is the state of some the stations, Bonn is like a fucking drug camp sometimes and it seems that police and transport staff won't do anything to make it safer or better
This isn't quite normal, usually at these facilities in the case of 15, 22, and 20 especially show that the workers are not carrying out proper regular assessment and that the criteria for euthanasia for excessive suffering looks to be far to high. I only know the case of how this kind if testing is handled with mice (from my partner, and in germany) and all three of these cases would have been euthanized much earlier, not left to live on for a year or even days. As usual with Musk, he tries to cut corners and it only ends up hurting people and in this case animals unecessarily.
The true MVP of this post
The fact they redacted answers to these questions specifically is even more proof of some kind of cover-up IMO. Absolutely wild they won't release the full document.
I watched the vid, what is up with the journalists' responses. Some guy is in prison in iran (the important story) and they're getting offended about their professionalism being attacked?? What do the want the guy to say? That we're dispatching seal team six? If the guy wasn't there on official EU business then of course Swedish government should be the lead?
It's definitely creating more of a case to defederate from it if it ever tries to federate
I really hope we see push back against this by other reps, it seems they were definitely getting close to something "they" didn't want people to know. It would be a shame and blatantly transparent something is up if they were stopped now.
Also isn't the whole point of an oversight committee to uncover things that're being hidden, especially if they're "embarrassing"???
Why do you think he's chair of the intelligence committee?
Video at the start of the following link for anyone who wants to see it: https://youtu.be/7v8M47YLKE0
It's ironic that they've missed out Ireland, throwing some great hunger shade.