
joined 2 years ago
[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 5 points 2 years ago

I want to raze it to the ground - preferable during the IPO. The shares of spez shall be no more worth then toilet paper.

[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 4 points 2 years ago

Interesting, but like I said, I'm not surprised by those fuckers.

I think vpn by account creation is a big no no with many providers. Opening an account via public wifi and using vpn afterwards my help.

[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 14 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I'm pretty sure they were very sorry about a that a few years ago and promised to stop shadowbanning people. But I wouldn't be surprised if they just continued.

[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 1 points 2 years ago

The newest KDE Plasma versions have tiling buiilt in. But you can also install Kwin plugin called Krohnkite, which is really neat.



[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 12 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Looks like that is a new, but already established Ransom Group. To be clear, that are criminals that normally shouldn't be cheered at. But I'm ready to make an exception this time.


Looks like that's not a good month for reddit.

[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 1 points 2 years ago

It's fine. Sometimes an update breaks the stuff installed via aur, that's fixable by issuing a command like that:

yay -S $(pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.11) --answerclean All

Otherwise it works rocksolid. I've got it for 2 years on my thinkpad and no issues. Are there better Arch like distros? Probably. Would I choose another distro like Endeavour OS when I have to make fresh install? Probably. But until then, its okay.

[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 2 points 2 years ago

I like starbound. Fun and runs even on older hardware.

[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Schau mal, gibt wohl apps. Aber keine Ahnung wie gut die sind:


[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 2 points 2 years ago

Das selbe hier! Ich verbringe meine Zeit auf reddit hauptsächlich am Smartphone, per Apollo app. Ich werde ganz sicher nicht reddits grottige App verwenden, also wird meine Nutzung wohl um 95 Prozent sinken.

[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 1 points 2 years ago

Es gibt Tools die alle deine alten reddit Kommentare überschreiben und deinen Account löschen. Es mehren sich allerdings die Gerüchte, dass reddit anfängt die überschriebenen Kommentare wieder herzustellen.

[–] averagejoe@feddit.de 3 points 2 years ago

Hallo zusammen! Das Freischalten ging ja schnell, vielen Dank an die mods!

The monkee is officially unleashed now!

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