I think even if the entire country was electronic they would still do a pen or pencil as a visual trope.
In this case the article describes the opposite. There was one predominantly black district (out of six, and 1/3 the population are black) that the state was forced essentially forced to split in two. In the article I think they even mention civil rights groups prefer the two districts.
There are two ways of fucking with district maps. The one you are thinking of is "packing," which puts as many voters as possible in one district. Another is "cracking," which spreads a large number of voters (who could win their own district-sized contest) across several other districts. This contested map seems to be undoing a "cracking."
The goal of election map fuckery is to have districts that are all either 100% or 49% opponents, that takes both packing and cracking to make it happen.
He is a clear danger to others so odds might be against him there, also.
It is far more than okay with them when the right people are suffering hardships. They would elect the most overtly corrupt person to ever exist and destroy the country just to make sure the right people get hurt.
A French Lemmy instance hurt their feelings.
His base as well as his legislative and judicial collaborators in treason.
Or maybe it's like he was already a dumb as fuck bigoted rapist well before the dementia got this bad.
He is literally barred from running by the Constitution because he committed an insurrection. Unfortunately the House, Senate, and Supreme Court are all somewhere between 50 and 67% Christofascist traitors.
One of those things where it was completely unacceptable to ever exist.
"I declare accountability!"
There is an illegal immigrant committing widespread election fraud. But the illegal is Leon Musk, so Donald is fine with it.
Like sexually, by demons? Or like financially?