I don't know, I thought it was kind of fun that they mixed things up for a change and had the protagonist be the villain and the central plot be about his triumph over the antagonists who are the heroes; the movie ending with him relaxing and enjoying the sunset now that his great work was over and so he could retire and put down his burdens was a really nice touch.
Given their choice of logo, I am advocating for everyone to start referring to it as Twitter/X11.
Teaching critical thinking has absolutely nothing to do with presupposing the existence of objective truth in political matters.
But there are % signs after all the numbers...
I'd be interested in hearing what it is about the language that has gotten you so excited about it.
Pretty soon he’ll have so much control over his platform that he can practically cron kings and manipulate outcomes to fit his personal political agenda.
Huh.... do kings normally consist of commands that need to be run on a regular basis at scheduled times?
Sure, but what's the end game supposed to be, then? Just making the same request over and over again indefinitely?
One of my current favorite alternative is, "X, the web app you access at twitter.com", though given the logo that they chose I'm tempted to start referring to them as X11.
Ok where do I invest my money then?
Well-diversified mutual funds, or something equivalent to that, and in particular you want a mixture of asset classes such as stocks and bonds. You also want to have a hierarchy of investments, ranging from very low-risk but also low-growth investments for your emergency savings that you can tap at a moment's notice to high-risk but also high-growth investments for savings that you do not need to tap for a long time (such as for retirement, assuming that is far off). "High-risk" in this context doesn't mean "risk of your investment disappearing" so much as "risk of your investment suffering from a dip in value at the time when you need it".
But to reiterate: the most important thing here is diversification, because diversification means that some of your investments can drop in value by a lot or even become worthless without causing you to lose everything. Putting all of your money into a single asset or kind of asset, such as a cryptocurrency, is basically the opposite of what you want to be doing.
Being absolutely terrified of the ambient noises in Doom.
Yeah, when I was a kid and Doom had first come out, I got scared to death when I walked around a corner and ran into my first pinky; it was horrifying!
I was curious to hear what argument they were making but the article is behind a paywall. Could someone with access to it summarize for me?
I am curious because this seems a bit implausible to me given that the protocol selection process involves an open competition.
Yeah, this is a really nice feature; on the couple of rare occasions where an update completely borked things I was able to go from unbootable to everything back up and running in half an hour.