This is the one I use
I was amused that AOL is still a thing :)
Learning Git was a struggle but I've warmed up to it
What if you want to change one reference in a billion reference array?
I wore a Boimler costume for Halloween
For the sake of discussion, let's say on the one hand a magic man intelligently designed life and all that. And on the other hand we have it arise and evolve over the course of billions of years of random atomic interactions and genetic mutations. I honestly find the second one far more amazing, wondrous, amazing, and mind blowing.
I'm fortunate enough to live in a walkable neighborhood. When I moved here walkability didn't really factor in; I have friends here and I liked the apartment.
Man, it is so nice. I definitely appreciate it now and will try to factor it in in the future. I am absolutely convinced that walkability fosters community and cars reinforce social isolation.
I still have my car but I consider it and driving a burden. If I had to replace it I'm pretty sure I wouldn't.
sudo apt install sonic
When I replaced a set the other day I learned that some of them are not rated for enclosures