Pssst, don’t tell my 50 Matter devices paired with Homeassistant and HomeKit. If my HA server crashes we can still control everything with the HomeKit app.
Strange, I have four different kinds of IKEA remotes, the oldest being over five years old and they all work happily with ZHA.
I got the square ones a few years ago and they kept on dropping from the network. In the meantime, a few firmware updates later I migrated to HA and now they are rock solid, don’t know if it’s due to consolidating Ikea, Hue and Aquara Zigbee networks into a single ZHA mesh or the firmware getting better, but I suspect that it’s due to a single optimized mesh instead three colliding Zigbee networks.
For cloud backup it is wise to encrypt. Guess they will implement op-out for local backup in a future release.
Five year warranty on Pro devices https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=774868644853056&id=100069897832443&set=a.481097554230168
This true in part.
A lot of Matter devices do not use WiFi, they need a Thread Border Router ( https://matter-smarthome.de/en/know-how/what-is-a-thread-border-router/ ).
Some recent Matter over WiFi devices also support 5Ghz WiFi.
@Nimrod Is there a specific reason not to use stock firmware with native Shelly integration? Then configure the input to edge mode.
@c10l EVE’s Energy have been providing energy metering under Matter for the last few months.
Ok, it was a HA specific solution.
@pasqualeberesti @homeassistant
Cela dépend du serveur DHCP/DNS. Sur ma Fritzbox le nom était: “d0fef586960d4e3fad76d5a38d846fa4-hap.fritz.box”. Je devais donc d’abord le renommer.
@Acamon @homeassistant
Sounds like little project for an ESP32 with a few DS18B20. With ESPHOME they are really easy to set up.