Straight up, chill coconut,
Porn name IMHO haha
Yup bazzite with KDE plasma for my gaming rig now, thing works very well for use case!
I think the second amendment is pointed out so readily, because most of the world has watched America and their guns and ridiculous gun problems, and that is usually what is pointed at in some kind of gotcha defence. Second, we do see the protests and legal efforts, and honestly looking in, seems like that's pissing into the wind.
As for myself committing violence in an situation similar to America's? Can't honestly answer one way or the other until I am in the situation myself, but don't think it would be a hard no, I'm not opposed to violence in the correct situation, and boy you guys are, if not there already, very very close to that correct situation.
That long for a world war you think?
My new word for the day! Thank you :)
My Kindle email via way of calibre has not been working these past few weeks, returns some misk internal error from Amazon's end... :(
Baby's fucking stink, lol
My running theory on this is the Americans really didn't like how close it hits home/stings, and just gave it a bad rating
They 'changed' his name in a recent episode, haha, it was glorious
Stupid long horse, but yeah that would be a sick