"God damnit don't take your mask off while the proles are watching us, you're going to ruin the surprise!" - French Lizard Person
I mean, I'm American and if I had to pick one, we're definitely that latter. It's just that I grew up here, so it's more readily apparent to me that the conservatives who screamed about muh guns muh constitution were always operating in bad faith. Kinda like how the conservatives you guys are about to elect are operating in bad faith when they talk about how very worried they are about immigration.
It's fundamentally understood that the republic is dead, and neither peaceful protest nor normal legislative or judicial processes will work on the Trump administration. It doesn't help that pushing the opposition party to do anything has led them to bitch and whinge about how they're being bullied by their constituents. All that's left to us now is submission, balkanization, and/or violence. Most people are still trying to get a read of the room and aren't ready to throw down their lives yet. For my part, I'm supporting a California Secession initiative.
Sure, leopards eating faces and all that, only these people lack that kind of self awareness. As the leopard is eating their face, they're sitting there telling themselves that this is simply an honest mistake by an administration that's trying to do the right thing and would never hurt them on purpose.
Get ready to ride in the bicycle gutter and get yelled at by drivers for, like, existing.
There is, which is why the bungalow owners bitch endlessly about the skyscrapers ruining the view [of the 12 lane interstate]
I'm going to offer what support I can to the California Secession initiative. Balkanization could break the power of the federal government and probably meaningfully improve things for folks across the country by finally allowing for long-delayed political reforms.
Not in my experience. To many of these mfs worship Paul (and now Trump) instead of Jesus.
God damn, Carl Sagan 360 no scoping the 2020s from the 80s and 90s.
My guess is that the first bad report will be accurate, but once this administration gets caught with their pants down, they'll fire that team and start releasing jobs reports that have been sharpied to death.
Let me speak from experience that there is no such thing as an ironic Nazi. Every single "bro, it's just a joke lol" is followed by a silent "...unless?"
That... Is a really good idea! I'm going to put that in my pipe and smoke it