
joined 2 years ago

For reasons not relevant here I have been using my computer mostly from bed for years now, with the keyboard on my stomach or, when I'm not actively using it, on my side, still on the mattress, or on the floor propped up against the bed frame.

Problem is that apparently it has fallen from that position one too many times and now a group of keys only reacts to key presses if I'm lucky (probably a broken trace somewhere that can still conduct if the stars align to make the broken ends meet).

Given this accidential abuse, it has survived remarkably well. It was a Roccat Skeltr that a former roommate didn't need anymore and gave me when my previous keyboard died, some 8 years ago or so.

Unfortunately, I can't just buy the same thing as it stopped being produced years ago (I tried years ago when the headphone jack on it died).

So my question is, does anyone know of a similarly sturdy keyboard or one that's even sturdier? ISO 105 if possible, either with de_ch labels or else with no labels. Function keys for volume and media control would be nice, but not necessary.

I once tried making my own (wanted to swap the positions of numblock and arrows/Ins/Home/etc.), but soldering the PCB was such a disaster that it was threatening to break just from mechanical stress between faceplate, key switches and PCB alone, and finding a 3D printer capable of printing 45-50cm wide prints for the case in any maker space in the region was a bust.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Kann nicht bestätigen. Bin Kerl, würde höchstens vorgeben, mich zu freuen und es dann dem nächst besten Biertrinker weiterverschenken.

Ich hab alle möglichen Arten Biere versucht, von Ale zu Lager, Weissbier, Imperial Stout und alles dazwischen und drumrum. Ich mag den Geschmack von Bier/Hopfen einfach nicht. 😐

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Ich nehme an, das ist nur ein Konzeptbild, möglicherweise existieren dann beide Tasten auf Tastaturen von Fenster-Rechnern.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Soviel ich weiss hat die USA kein Land am Äquator, nicht einmal irgendwelche Inseln. Am nächsten ist noch Hawaii, das hat zumindest ein tropisches Klima.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

and Technical Difficulties

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I love that two drums and a cymbal video. It's amazing how perfect it turned out.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago

Dont forget Steve Mould

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Ich weiss nicht ob ich je eine passendere Antwort auf so etwas gesehen habe als der Gesichtsausdruck des Mannes in diesem Bild. Das ist kein blosser WTF-Ausdruck, das ist ein "meinem Hirn ist der Sicherheitsschalter rausgeflogen beim Versuch, den Idiotielevel des gehörten einzuordnen" Gesicht. 🤣

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Basierend auf deiner Aussage nehme ich an das könnte Trump sein. Sieht aber eher nach einer verschollenen Cousine von Otto Walkes aus. Falls es tatsächlich Trump ist, entschuldige ich mich schon mal herzlichst bei Otto's Verwandtschaft.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Elmo already suffered enough with his mind of a child and getting bullied and gaslit by his "friends", he doesn't deserve having his name sullied by having it used to refer to Musk.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

You'd be just fine if you remain a decent human being rather than becoming an egotistical and racist pile of garbage.

Also, Musk was born rich and basically bought his fame.


The word éxito in Spanish (and cognates in other iberian romance languages) has the meaning of success, but it is a cognate of English "exit".

According to Wiktionary, they all come from Latin "exitus", which is a participle of "exire", which literally means "to go out/outside, to exit, to leave".

Also on the Wiktionary page for this word is someone asking about this apparent semantic shift in Spanish, which got me wondering as well. Further googling only told me that it's not just Spanish but also Galician and Portuguese, possibly more.

Does anyone have information on how this shift developed? Or is the written evidence we have so poor that it might just as well have suddenly acquired the current meaning overnight as gradually over several generations and we wouldn't be able to tell?

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