What province? There are at least three very large co-op grocery stores in Saskatoon. One used to be a Safeway, but they were forced to sell when the Sobeys/Safeway merger happened. Can't speak for Regina, but I'm sure it's similar there too.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Old Dutch is from Minnesota. The major portion of their production is done in Canada, and most of their customers are here, but their corporate head office is in the US.
UT2K4 was bloody fantastic. It, and Q3 are two of my absolute all time favourites.
Everyone who disagrees can either admit they don't like FPS (which is fine) or get off my lawn.
There will be no HL3. Valve can't count past 2.
Gaming keyboards are also usually linear, but that's not a hard rule.
Clearly it's a queef Dutch oven.
No kidding. I'm a decent cyclist. I've bounced more than one helmet off the ground with my head in it. This is why I always wear one, and always insist my kids do too.
One more series I need to read...
Well yes, it's the lightning that makes the inscription.
A CPU is just a rock we hit with magic lightning...
Just took a road trip. Bought gas exclusively at co-ops for the entire length.