Amazing thank you, just ordered the rust programming language book.
It takes a while to create your minimal and perfect experience, so if you don’t have the time for that I’d suggest using a ready to go neovim setup. Others have suggests kickstart and lunavim. I’d suggest LazyVim since it uses lazy.nvim which is an async package manager.
I really like it! A much better version of what existed in overwatch 1.
I pretty much use it as a replacement for LGBTQIA+, but keep in mind that not everyone may consider themselves queer; it /is/ a reclaimed word after all, so people may have trauma related to it.
I don’t know if this is helpful, but I searched for “trans friendly doctors” and found some good doctors in my area.
Yeah labels also help me, esp since it makes it easier to find people who feel a similar way.
Non-binary exists, just mentioning that “boy” and “girl” aren’t the only labels.
I feel like they can reduce her damage to make her less dps like, but she’s fun to play with and against imo and has utility as a support.
I share my dotfiles repo between my MacBook and Linux pc so anything that goes in there is run on both operating systems.
Yes there is definitely a lot that can be learned from those different distributions. The community around them is a big plus. While I don’t use anything magical myself, I’m happy they exist for various reasons.
Thanks both and for your input! I’ve ordered The Book so looking forward to getting started with that.