More of an Apple issue to be honest, when you don’t have a feature complete application it’s very difficult to push past TestFlight if you aren’t ready.
It’s got a strong Web App however that also works incredibly well.
More of an Apple issue to be honest, when you don’t have a feature complete application it’s very difficult to push past TestFlight if you aren’t ready.
It’s got a strong Web App however that also works incredibly well.
Keep in mind Pixelfed and it’s associated Applications are built by a one-person team.
But it does get better and better periodically, I love it and more and more features come over time.
Just wanted to support this recommendation, some of the best controllers with the best price points on the market.
I don’t, I’m a Vanilla Stardew Enjoyer, but if I tried anything it would just be Stardew Valley Extended.
That might take some tinkering though.
I play a stupid amount of Stardew on my SteamDeck.
It's also just nice being able to play my Steam Library on a portable device and having my Cloud Saves available as well, I'm a big "like to game in bed or on the couch" kind of girl.
I sold my Day 1 PS Vita a long time ago and I'm still pretty sad about that, it's not the same mind you.
But I have managed to hold onto pretty much every other game console I've ever owned.
Guess it really depends on what you consider “extras”.
It’ll get there, we are at 1.0.0 in testing finally, hopefully we will see it soon, but I wouldn’t say it will “never” be released.
It’s almost there.