I’m pretty sure he means adjusting the claim level so instead of getting money back during tax time, you end up about what you owe or owe more. That way the money was in your pocket the whole time instead of the governments.
What sort of work do you do?
The goat lies!
He needs the money so he can have the concept of paying them.
And imagine that every blue state implements this but every red state does not. It would have to be done across the board to keep it balanced.
Klaatu, Verata, Ni… coughing
Or possibly promoting to knight would give you checkmate where queen wouldn’t.
Andrew Johnson is top three worst presidents
I would also like to know. I see this happen on every other post and can’t understand it.
Well said. I’ll remember this point next time blocking YouTube ads comes up in discussion.
Corporate overlords detect a 3% reduced efficiency at this McDonald’s location. They implement video surveillance and determine the inadequacy. The boss making 2$ over minimum wage is required to fire you and hire someone new. All employees go to required training on workplace ethics and team observation.
The rats were taken over by the worms.