So it's a remaster of Extinction with new dinos, maps n stuff? Gameplay looks the same.
I do have a soft spot for Primal Carnage as I had a absolute blast with the original on PC ~10yrs ago so I'll probably give this a go
So it's a remaster of Extinction with new dinos, maps n stuff? Gameplay looks the same.
I do have a soft spot for Primal Carnage as I had a absolute blast with the original on PC ~10yrs ago so I'll probably give this a go
But appreciate the pun nonetheless ;)
just you, four wheels, and the mud
Isn't it... snow?
Also Hephaestus has been controlling the cauldron network and creating new machines anyway, so they're not really 900 years old
Yeah my last 52 texts are all from companies about my orders or my bills etc. No actual humans use SMS anymore
Huh, it seems to have logged me out after the 30th and is still working now.
What does this mean though? Don't want the dev to get charged
RIF was my Reddit app of choice for like 10 years, will miss it for sure :(
Primal on PS2